Insurance for Property 
Professionals (excluding valuation)

Cover that's tailored to your profession

You’re working in an industry where you are dealing with what may be your client’s largest asset. Your advice and services connected with their property need to be to an appropriate standard to ensure that they don’t suffer loss or damage to it.

Make sure you’re protected from the risk with our Professional Indemnity insurance for property professionals.

It’s easy to arrange your Professional Indemnity insurance. We’ll give you a quote in 30 seconds and your cover could be in place within minutes.

When you buy Professional Indemnity insurance from us, you also have the option to include other types of specialised liability insurance.

For details of the cover we can provide to you please read the combined liability scheme wording.

Here is a list of property professionals we cover:

  • Auctioneer
  • Interior Design (excluding technical and architectural)
  • Landscape Architecture (excluding dams)
  • Property Management
  • Tenant Verification
  • Town Planners
Double Quote