Statutory Liability insurance

A prosecution could be very costly

What does it do?

Our Statutory Liability insurance covers you for the costs of representation in investigations and, in certain circumstances, fines arising from a prosecution under various Acts of Parliament (to the extent they are insurable). Cover may be included for prosecutions under:

  • The Commerce Act 1986;
  • The Health and Safety at Work Act 2015;
  • The Financial Markets Act 2003
  • The Resource Management Act 1991

Why do I need it?

Prosecutions under an Act of Parliament are often time-consuming and expensive affairs. By purchasing Statutory Liability cover your company and its employees are afforded protection from the costs associated with defending a claim.


Examples of statutory liability claims for which we may cover you include:

  • Investigations by the Commerce Commission
  • Investigations of workplace injuries
  • Complaint to the Health and Disabilities Commission
  • Land use breaches of requirements
  • Sale of regulated products
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